UNILAG Resumption Date 2024/2025
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This is to inform all the students of the University of Lagos (UNILAG) that the institution’s management has announced the resumption date for the commencement of online lectures for the first semester, academic session.
Following the Federal Government’s directive for reopening of universities, cognizant of the Coronavirus pandemic guidelines and protocols, the Senate of the University of Lagos at its Emergency meeting held on Wednesday, January 13, 2021, considered the resumption of academic session in the University, and approved that:
- Academic activities for the completion of the first semester of 2019/2020 academic session for both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes should resume virtually on Monday, January 25, 2021, through the University Leaming Management System (LagOnline)
- Due to the second wave of the Coronavinus, all lectures, continuous assessments and examinations for the first semester shall be held virtually (both synchronous and asynchronous) as students cannot be accommodated on campus at this time.
- The first semester examinations shall commence on Monday, March 15, 2021, and end Thursday, April 1, 2021
- The 2019/2020 second semester shall commence virtually in a blended mode on Monday, April 12, 2021, and end on Saturday, August 14, 2021
The University wishes to inform the parents/guardians and students that resumption of academic activities is at no cost to the students.
However, the University urges parents and guardians to provide appropriate support to enable their wards to participate optimally in the online classes.
The University is already appealing to public-spirited alumni and friends of the Institution to assist some identified indigent students who may need internet-enabled devices for their lectures.
Parents/guardians and students are hereby informed that the University of Lagos shall bear the full cost of data for all student through a specialised Toll-Free Data arrangement during the 3- week examination period.
As part of the University’s drive for inclusive education, adequate provisions have been put in place for the fifty-two (52) visually impaired students and other physically-challenged registered students throughout the lecture and examination period.
The University e-library system shall be fully functional to allow staff and students to use the institution’s Open Access Resources throughout this period.
The University enjoins students who are yet to complete their first semester course registrations online to seize the window period provided to complete their registrations.
Finally, students are also advised to check the University website www.unilag.edu.ng for further information.
Azeez Oladejo
For highlights of the academic session proposed academic calendar, check — UNILAG Academic Calendar.
That’s the much we can take on the topic “UNILAG Resumption Date “.
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