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Rivers State University Admission List 2024/2025 | RSUST 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Batch & DE Admission List Out
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Today, you and I will quickly take a look at a very important and much-anticipated topic titled “RSUST Admission List 2023/2024 | RSUST 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Batch & DE Admission List Out”.
Nevertheless, this has become very important because RSUST has done its admission screening exercise and all the results are fully out.
However, if you are among those that has been searching for [rsust admission list 2024/2025, rsu admission list, rsust admission news, rsust supplementary list, www.rsu.edu.ng admission list, rsu admission list 2023, https www nigeriaschool com ng rsust admission list, rsustpostgraduate admission list,RSUST Admission List 2024/2025 | RSUST 1st Batch, 2nd Batch & Direct Entry Admission List Out, RSUST Admission List 2024/2025 | RSUST 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Batch & DE Admission List Out], then you can see that you are not the only one.
Nonetheless, the good thing is that you are here and you shall get all the information you have been searching for right here on this blog.
Therefore, the next question that will come into any RSUST admission seekers mind is “How Do I check My Admission Status?”.
Well, the answer to that question is not far-fetched as you can see all of that information below.
RSUST Admission List | RSUST 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Batch & DE Admission List Out
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The management and authorities of RSUST have released the admission list for the academic session.
Therefore, all candidates that choose RSUST as their first choice of institution, sat and passed the post UTME screening exercise can now go ahead to check their admission status right away.
To check your admission status, simply follow the process below;
JAMB Admission Status Portal and How To See Admission Status On JAMB’s Website
How to Check RSU Admission List On JAMB Portal
As at the time of this publication, RSU admission list is only accessible on the JAMB portal by following the instructions below:
- Go jamb.gov.ng/efacility/.
- Login to your Jamb profile with your username and password.
- Scroll down then locate and click the ‘Check Admission Status‘ tab.
- Select your Exam year and Enter your registration number in the required columns.
- Finally, click on ‘Check Admission Status‘ to access your RSU admission status.
Check Rivers State University of Science and Technology Admission List
- Go to RSU Admission status checking portal at http://ecampus.rsu.edu.ng/index.php.
- Locate the Admission List Section and supply your JAMB registration number in the appropriate column.
- Click on Go to load your UTME and post UTME scores.
- Finally, click on your registration number to access your RSU admission status.
- us.
Candidates who are offered admission should log onto the University Website www.rsu.edu.ng and make e-payments of Acceptance fee of Thirty-Nine Thousand, One Hundred & Fifty Naira (N39,150.00) only by generating a transaction id on the University Website for the fee and proceed to any of the designated Banks to pay using the Pay Direct Bank Branch option or using Interswitch Verve enabled and Master cards. Thereafter, they are to proceed for further On-line Clearance before payment of School Fees.
RSUST Clearance Exercise Requirements.
Candidates are to come with their credentials for the Clearance Exercise as follows:
- Admission Letter from Jamb
- Original JAMB Result
- Accepted Admission Status from Jamb (Caps)
- Original O’level Certificates
- Birth Certificate
- LGA Identification Letter
- Acceptance Fee Receipt
How To Do Correction Of Name And Date Of Birth On WAEC Certificate
Note: The University Authority wishes to emphasize that any candidate who fails to clear his/her admission before the expiration of the deadline will lose the admission.
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If you don’t find your name there, there is high possibility that your name can be found in JAMBs portal or CAPS.
Therefore you can check;
- Through the JAMB Portal by clicking JAMB Portal
- Through the JAMB CAPS Portal by clicking JAMB CAPS.
O3schools is using this medium to congratulate all those who have been offered admission into the academic session of RSUST.
We wish you a happy schooling experience.
You can drop your phone numbers so that we can add you to all RSUST WhatsApp group of those who have been admitted.
That’s all I can take on the topic “Rivers State University of Science and Technology Admission List | RSUST 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Batch & DE Admission List Out”.
Thanks for Reading
If you have any questions bordering your mind, pour it all out in the comment box.
I will be here to answer all of it.
Finally, remember that SHARING is CARING.
- RSU Admission List | RSU 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Batch & DE Admission List Out
- RSUST Cut Off Marks |JAMB & Departmental Cut Off Marks
- RSUST School Fees For New & Returning Students
- RSUST Post UTME Form Is Out , Rsu.edu.ng | RSUST Admission News
- Rivers State University RSU Supplementary Admission Screening Form
- Rivers State University RSU Clearance Exercise for Newly Admitted Candidates
- RSU Sandwich Postgraduate Admission Form Released | Apply
- RSUST Part-Time Degree Admission Form Out For Evening & Weekend Sessions
- Updated List Of Courses Offered Rivers State University Of Sci. & Tech (RSUST)
I apply for business education at kwara state University malete dey now give me entrepreneurship education how can I change it
I have been checking the jamb site for my name, but the reply I get is “sorry, no admission given yet”. please what might that mean?
I scored 213 in Jamb and 32 in post utme. And my intending course is Law.
please just be patient and keep checking
ur score z below the departmental cut off mark for law….. which z 68
Good day plss I score 44 do I hve a chance of admission to Rsust Biochemistry:??
I’ve been trying to open my caps but It would not open.
But my gmail opens,i don’t just know why…….
if someones name is in the main list does that mean that the person is adimitted?
pls rsu putme is over what? and what is the putme cutoff mark for marine engineering??..i got 180 n 20..jamb n putme respectively bt no admsn yet…ans pls
i score 202 in jamb and 20 in post Utme course marine yet i am not still admitted, please oh do i still have hope?
those that picked supplementary form, when will d list be out?
those dat picked the supplementary form, when will the list be out?
pls what is happening to me, my name is on the school main list bt my jamb caps is still showing not admitted
Be a little patient pal
it will update
No cause for alarm at all
Hi I hv bin checking on jamb portal and it’s still showing sorry not admitted yet wat do I do
Is the direct entry admission list out?
Pls if you get admission in jamb is it a must for you to get admission into the school RSU
I have tried relentlessly to check but it’s not process my registration number,what’s the mata?
Can i get Admission with Jamb 214 n putme 15 for Civil Engineering @rsust
Please,i tried checking my admission status through rsu site, but it seems is not working out,what I’m seeing is, result not found,even after inputing my reg number…
Is it that there is an error somewhere or what???
Please I need a reply
I’m also having a similar case with the two persons above.Is the admission list not yet out? But they said we should check since on the 25th of august, and till now it is not responding positively. After inputing the reg. no. you then see ‘no result found’, does it mean the admission list has not been uploaded? Pls I need a way out, thanks.
Good evening …pls i scored 213 in jamb while post utme was 18, am going for marketing…pls is there any hope
pls when will Rsu 2nd list be out
Pls I scored 189 Jamb and 22 in post utme is here any hope of admission
Here is my watsapp no
Pls guys i scored 180 in jamb and 27 in post utme. And my choice is law, since i cannot meet up with d law, is their any possibility of them given me admission with anoda course without picking a supplementary form?
Please contact me for for free updates about Rivers State University Admission. Call or WhatsApp Mr Barry on 08037150120
please guys i need u advice, i checked my admission status, the platform is showing my details but not showing remark… what does it mean?
Pls my admission has not reflected in the school Portal, but have accepted it on jamb caps and have also printed out my admission status, now I cant pay my acceptance fee bcus my admission has not reflected in school portal
To Check your admission status or rectify any problems just call 08109063123.
How can i find the main admission list please?😭
Please I sscored 225 in jamb and 23 in RSU exam and I applied for ppolitical science .And now am trying to access my caps but issshowing not admitted. Please I want to know the reason for dis. Or is it possible dat my name might be in the school list and not in jamb ??,.pls put me tthrough. CutI know my sscore is up to the course. So what’sthe pproblem? ??
Please who is in agriculture and applied economics year one n where do they receive lecturer.
I saw my admission status on 29th Jan nd I don’t know when it will ellapse nd also it has not reflected on the school site
I scored 2o3 in the 2019 jamb do have hope of getting admission into Rivers state university
Good afternoon
Here is my watssup number
Please how can i check if my name came out in the 2020 admission list in UST.
Please,i tried checking my admission status through rsu site, but it seems is not working out,what I’m seeing is, result not found,even after inputing my reg number…
Is it that there is an error somewhere or what???
Please I need an urgent reply tanks
I guess The RSU admission list has not been uploaded
i got 262 in jamb and 32/50 inpost utme
and i am not still getting admission for mechanical engineering
Pls I scored 220 in jamb and 21 in post utme will I get admission to RSU I want to study nursing
i scored 225 in jamb and 27 in my post utme and i am interested to study economics and til date have been giving admission in rsu.
Electrical engineering students any admission yet because mine is showing no admission yet
Please does UST do medicine and surgery during pre degree program?
Please have they started giving admission to economics students
Pls, I scored 188 in jamb and 17 in postutme, and I want to study science education. But when I checked jamb portal for admission it says no admission is given yet
I applied fot Marine engineering and have checking my jamb caps for like 2 weeks now and all its been showing is admission in progress check back later. Sorry I just want to ask is there any assurance that i might get admission this year?
How weeks will it be before your acceptance fee expire
Is 2020 admission still in progress
Pls have I gotten admission here
Please how do i get the password??
Please is direct entry list out
I did IJMB
I just want to know if it’s Rsu that gives admission to direct entry candidates or its jamb..
Good afternoon please since last week i have been checking my caps and I kept seeing admission in progress check back later , am losing hope what should I do, is Rsust still giving admission? Should I keep waiting?
Pls how can I check for my name on the supplementary list
I got 213 in jamb and 21 in post utme is there a chance of getting admitted@rsust