Hostel Versus Off Campus Location | Advantages & Disadvantages Of Staying In School Hostels
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Today, you and I will quickly look at the topic “Hostel Versus Off Campus Location | Advantages & Disadvantages Of Staying In School Hostels”.
This has become very necessary because of newly admitted students in various universities, polytechnics, colleges of Education and Technical Education.
Therefore, if you have been confused on where to stay between hostel and off campus location, then this is the right place to be.
Life in the school hostel is like a tale to tell.
It’s both interestingly good and bad.
A lot of events are bound to occur.
These are some of the few advantages and disadvantages of staying in the school hostel
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.Hostel Versus Off Campus Location | Advantages Of Staying In The School Hostel
Hostel Is Relatively Secure
Whenever anything happens in various off campus locations within the school, the next place of harbor is the campus.
This is because most times, the school has security mounted at various exits within the campus.
Of course, some schools often have what is called “Students Security”.
You can interpret students security to mean several things like;
——————There is no single time you won’t see students moving around the school
—- ————-The students Union government often has what is called “Security team”.
——————Most times, students are always doing one thing or the other around the school and when anything goes wrong, there is no way you can go Scot free.
Therefore, when you think of being safe, the only place you can think of as the last resort is the school hostel.
School hostel is relatively sure when it comes to security.
Also, as fresh students, you need to know your environment very well and the only advice most times is that you should stay in the school hostel for the first year.
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Hostel Versus Off Campus Location | You Learn To Tolerate people More
Hostel is filled with so many interesting, annoying and sometimes overboard characters.
Most times, one room contains close to 8 people and these eight people have very different and distinct characters.
When you learn to stay with people, you will learn tolerance.
Therefore, by reason of this you can be able to control and build your character for the future.
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Hostel Versus Off Campus Location | You will learn To Relate With Persons Of Extreme Different Personalities
This is of course similar to the point above.
There are different other people from other tribes and perceptive of thinking that you will have to stay with in the same room.
Hostel affords you the opportunity to learn from these set of people their way of life.
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Hostel Versus Off Campus Location | Free Medical Care In The School Health Center For Students
Most times, medical treatment is free for all students.
But you might not be able to access it when you decide to go stay in off campus locations during emergency.
Staying in the school hostel affords you quick access to free medical treatment.
Despite the fact that we don’t pray that such things should happen, it is advisable to avoid “Had i Known and simply stay in the school hostel.
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School Hostels Are Relatively Cheap
Comparing the prices between school hostels and off campus locations, school hostels will often win the ratio by over 98%.
It is a known fact that school hostels are way more cheaper than off campus locations.
Although, this is not always true because some students pay way more when it comes to picking an hostel in terms of privacy and comfort.
Nonetheless, hostel is still a safe birth when it comes to price.
Reading Enthusiasm
Staying in School Hostels gives you the chance to meet up with persons who read a lot .
Seeing them doing it makes you enthusiastic about reading.
This is mostly because most times the conceptions about people that stay in the school hostel is that of people who do not have much cash to stay off campus.
And whether you like it or not, students who grew up without a silver spoon have the propensity to perform better.
In fact, research shows that 78% of students who are serious and academically sound aren’t the ones who are born with a silver spoon but wood spoon.
Therefore, if you want to be serious, then ensure that you choose where to stay wisely.
Proximity To Class
I stressed this point in one of my article on Hostel Accommodation for students.
Staying in the school hostel makes you manage your time and money properly.
It makes you to get to class on time and this will make you get a good seat close to where you can easily hear your lecturers.
Proximity To Source Of Information
Information is power and it’s key.
If your are a student, then you need to be close to source of information.
Staying in the school hostel gives you the opportunity to get information faster than those outside school.
Hostel Versus Off Campus Location | You Tend To Have Broad Knowledge Due To Intelligent Roommates
Since at times each room may have more than 3 roommates and often times which are always from different departments, you can learn some new stuffs about their course of study.
At least even you don’t have much time to spend with them because of your own academics, you will pick some stuffs about what their course is about.
They Are Provided With Water And Light
This is one of the most important reasons why any one especially first year students will consider staying in the school hostel.
Water and Light is one of the most important amenities any student could ever ask for.
The School is aware that the students need to have their bathe often and also light to study.
Off campus locations do not always give you this amenities and therefore you should consider staying on campus.
Less Time Wastage
Staying in the School hostel is time saving.
Most times, hostels are always at the heart of the school and it connects to important places.
This means you can always access parts where things are sold and particularly your classes.
This saves you the stress and time of going to off campus locations to get commodities.
Being Present In The Actions Of School Events Without Being Bordered.
School hostels are always the parts of the school where events are organized.
Most event organizers usually have target audience in the school hostels.
In fact several companies that want to advertise their goods and Service often prefer to advertise around the school hostels.
Having Seen some of the advantages of staying in the school hostel, then lets quickly see the disadvantages of choosing school hostels over off campus locations.
Disadvantages Of Staying In School Hostels
The following are the disadvantages of staying in the school hostels.
You Will Continue To Re-Apply For Hostel Every Session
Hostel application is always done every session.
This means that once a session is over, then you will have to re apply to gain access to another hostel.
Trust me it is usually very difficult to get the same room you were in before.
This means you will always have to contribute to the cleanliness of a room every session.
This is one reason some students prefer to stay off campus so they could stay in a room throughout their stay in school.
Staying off campus eliminates the habit of packing to a new room yearly or sessionally.
Bad Habits Are Copied From Hostel Mates
Of course by now you should already know that there are several personalities in school hostels.
Some students were brought up by their parents properly while others grew up in the street with some really bad and harsh habits.
Most times those who were of good character before being admitted can be compromised and bad habits can be copied from their room mates.
This is why it is necessary to study the people you are with so you can know how to deal with them.
However, if you cannot go through that, just, decide to stay off campus where no one will compromise your decisions.
Hostel Versus Off Campus Location | Lack Of Privacy
In fact, this is one of the most important reasons why people stay off campus.
Some students cannot just live the thought of staying with a room mates talk less of more than 5 students at a time.
Of course if you want your privacy, the best and safest option for you is to just consider going off campus.
Hostel Versus Off Campus Location | Theft
You cannot completely talk about disadvantages of staying in school hostels without raising this very vital point.
Of course we know that there are thieves everywhere but some times the hostel is just an avenue for some mischievous students to ply their trade.
You will dry 5 shirts, 4 trousers and 2 boxer shorts and when you go to collect your clothes, you will only be able to see just 1 shirt, 1 trousers and 1 boxer shirt.
That’s how the story has been for ages.
We have also heard several stories where students go into rooms to steal phones or laptops and end up jumping from up to three stories building when they are being pursued.
In fact they steal a lot in the hostel from your clothes to provisions to other other items.
Even when you wash, you have to monitor the clothes except you want to lose them.
Therefore, if you care to know, there are hard earned criminals in the hostels and therefore you might just want to consider staying off campus.
Hostel Versus Off Campus Location | Heat And Bed Bugs
Heat and bed bugs are the talk of the day in the school hostels.
Heat is being talked about because most times, there are no Air conditioners in the rooms.
In fact at times, there are no even fans and therefore to have a comfortable stay in hostels, each student have to bring their own standing fan.
In the case you can afford it, you stand by a chance of being disturbed by heat.
Likewise, most times bed bugs invade school hostels because of lack of fumigation.
Some hostels are not just poor in terms of hygiene.
Therefore, if you don’t want to face any of these, consider staying off campus.
Distractions From Social Activities
Just like I have earlier said that most social events are centered around the school hostels.
Most times, there is a propensity to see a program daily.
Some students who do not have self control and time management skills or tricks, might just find their selves in the arena almost every day.
Therefore, if you do not want to be distracted by social activities and noise, endeavor to stay off campus.
Dirty School Toilets and Hostel Environments
This is the right avenue to get various diseases.
In addition to what I have said before, school hostel is always very poor in terms of hygiene and cleanliness.
However, this is often because most students decide to do whatever they want because it’s not theirs and it’s not their fathers own.
Well, judging from history, this attitude might never change.
Therefore, you might want to consider staying off campus for hygiene purposes.
Disturbance In The School Hostels From Noise
Most times, school hostels are very lively.
This is often because their are several personalities in the school hostel and therefore you tend to see different characters.
Some are funny while some are annoying.
Nonetheless, this sets of students combine themselves to produce several noises you hear everyday.
This can make disturb your nap or rest and makes you not to concentrate while reading.
Therefore, you might want to move off campus so that you will have your privacy.
Disagreements and Arguments
You can never ever separate arguments and disagreements from school hostels.
There are certain times a non roommate will just enter your room and begin unending discussion.
This discussion will often lead to arguments which often times becomes very heated.
Therefore, if you want to avoid such an experience, consider moving to an off campus location.
That’s the much I can take on the topic “Hostel Versus Off Campus Location | Advantages & Disadvantages Of Staying In School Hostels”.
If you have any comments, do well to drop them in the comment box.
Thanks For Reading.
O3schools Team.
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This is awesome! Thanks
Nice write-up.