UNIZIK School Fees 2024/2025 For Both New & Returning Students
Table of Interests
Today, you and I will quickly take a quick look at the topic “UNIZIK School Fees 2024/2025 For Both New & Returning Students”.
This has become necessary as year in year out, new students are being admitted into several federal and state institutions without them first having the knowledge of the financial demands of the institution just like UNIZIK as the case is right now.
Definitely, a lot of things come to mind of aspirants of any university for any academic year and surely, there are a lot of criteria you need to consider before even choosing your dream university.
You may want to consider the location, the academic calendar (How fast it is) and most importantly, the school fees.
However, we will center our focus majorly on school fees for UNIZIK today because your financial strength, as well as that of your parents/guardians, has to be considered before thinking of picking any school.
Currently, UNIBEN is still the only school that has the least school fees. We will consider the school fees schedule for UNIZIK right away.
However, if you are among those that have been asking questions concerning [unizik school fees for old students, unizik school fees 2024/2025, unizik school fees 2024, unizik part-time school fees, unizik accommodation fees, how much is unizik hostel fee, unizik diploma school fees, unizik acceptance fee 2024/2025, UNIZIK School Fees 2024/2025 For Both New & Returning Students], then you can now obviously see that you are not alone.
You will get all that you need right here at O3schools without bordering to go anywhere else for free.
UNIZIK School Fees
All courses offered in Nigerian Universities
Acceptance fee is a fee that you must pay to any university as a first-year student/fresher denoting that you have accepted the course and in general the admission that has been offered to you by the school.
It is however important to note that uptil now, the exact figure each student (undergraduate) pays is not yet know. However when I contacted a friend of mine who is a student in the school, he did confirm that the school fees is between the sums as stated below. ;
According to the schedule published by UNIZIK management, new students fees ranges between Ninty Five Thousand Naira (N95,000) and One Hundred and two thousand naira (N102,000) depending on the course of study. While returning students fees ranges between Twenty-five thousand three hundred (N25,300) and Fifty-three thousand naira (N53,000), depending on the course of study.
1. School fee: ##65,000
2. Accreditation fee: #10,000
3. Acceptance fee and biometric: #26,000
4. Departmental and faculty registration ranges from #7000 to #14,000 depending on department and faculty
5. Gss registration and result processing: #7000
6.Unizik journal,history book, song, shirts, security handbook etc #5,000
The bank charges and remitta cost of all the fees above is estimated to #4000 including the photocopies, passport, transport within school and snacks involved in the journey.
TOTAL FEES FOR YEAR ONE IS FAIRLY ESTIMATED TO BE #120,000 there may be possible balance.
NOTE: Ensure to Pay acceptance fees when admitted, other fees can wait if you’re not buoyant, YOU CAN TAKE YOUR EXAMINATIONS WITH A TEMPORARY REG NUMBER PENDING WHEN YOU PAY YOUR SCHOOL FEES notwithstanding, it’s advisable to pay year one school fees during first semester of year one.
Postgraduate school fees for new students
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Postgraduate School Fees For Returning Students
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UNIZIK School FeesFor Both New & Returning Students
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Please must direct entry require ND or HND
or can someone get direct entry with. Waec results?
P/z how will I register 4 direct entry, and books to study for the exam?
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Please I need a reply to clarify some doubts…
Email: [email protected]
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