Sure Guides To Examination Preparation
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On your Mark, Get set, ready and go is what we used while we were still very young kids to run a small race.
Nevertheless, while we were in primary school, we were told there was no “ready” in the pre-run formalities.
Anyways, as a student, if you don’t plan and prepare, you won’t perform.
Before anything else, preparation is key the key to success.
In case you don’t know, the best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.
Likewise, your success will occur only when opportunity meets preparation.
Therefore, today, we will take a look at the “sure guides to examination preparation”.
If I have more ink in my pen, we will discuss a little bit on how to be excellently defined.
Therefore, without wasting much time, lets head to the topic of discussion.
The Sure Guides To Examination Preparation
Don’t Rely On Spying On Your Mates
This is one of the surest guides to examination preparation.
You may wonder why I had to begin with this point.
The reason is not far fetched.
This is because you don’t expect me to be saying prepare your time table, copy notes and others when your mind is already set on Copying from your mates.
It will be a case of pouring water into a basket.
Immediately your mind is fixed on cheating, there is no way you will want to prepare for the exam.
Moreover, your mates may even disappoint you later on.
This may arise from the fact that the lecturer changes your already planned sitting formation or your friends go blank in the hall.
In fact, the time spent on orchestrating how to cheat can be channeled into studying and It will Bring results.
Draft Your Reading Time Table And Study
Every single tip you need on how to study has been properly dealt with in my post on how to study effectively.
RECOMMENDED:- How To Study Effectively and Efficiently.
Therefore, it is important to draft out your reading time table.
Most times, drafting out the time table is not the problem, its following it to the letter.
Therefore, you will have to discipline yourself and make sure you follow it.
What will help more is putting the grade you will love to get in the examination on each subject on your time table.
This constantly reminds you that you have set a target for yourself.
One Cool Sure Guide To Examination Preparation Is To Exchange Ideas
There is a place for brainstorming in understanding.
Exchanging ideas can help keep your memory very fresh.
Whether you agree with me or not, it is the exchange of ideas that helps broaden our knowledge.
You can only do this by creating study groups.
It affords the opportunity to learn remember whatever has been discussed.
Look at the illustration below by George Bernard Shaw
If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange apples, then you and I will still have one apple each.
If you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange this ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.
I will conclude this sure guides to examination preparation with the words of Eleanor Roosevelt
Great minds Discuss ideas
Average minds Discuss events
Small minds discuss people
Avoid Cramming As Much As Possible
You could see I didn’t say do not cram here.
This is because there are some topics that are not meant for you to understand but cram.
That was why I had to write on effective cramming techniques that works for students everywhere.
Read Here :- Effective cramming Techniques That work For Students Everywhere
You must also learn to manage your time properly to avoid a rush later on.
Nevertheless, if you have prepared your time table from the onset and follow it by carefully studying, nothing will make you result to cramming.
In fact that was why I had to write on “how to remember 900% of what you have read easily”.
Reading and understanding is vital to be able to remember what you have read easily.
If you do this properly, you will have been practicing one of the sure guides to examination preparation.
Eat Properly
Some students don’t know how to eat properly.
My Course Adviser And Mentor Engineer Efosa Osamudiamen from the University of Benin always takes this serious.
You can look up on his google scholar profile and Research gate profile in the link provided.
He constantly reminds us of our health.
That is why this is one of the most important sure guides to examination preparation.
Health he will always tell you is wealth and that a sick person cannot perform well.
He advises us to eat fruits and eat right by avoiding junks and feeding on health foods.
Therefore, the importance of eating healthy cannot be overemphasized and as such we have to always plan what we eat.
Highly Recommended:- How to manage exam stress
Set Exam Questions For Yourself And Attempt Past Questions
This may be the most effective sure guide to examination preparation.
After reading for the semester and doing all necessary tests and exams, research has shown that setting questions for yourself and actually answering them helps a lot.
This is because, you will have adequately set all possible questions for yourself.
Later on. after accessing yourself, you can look up again on your notes to see what you got right or wrong.
Likewise, the importance of past questions cannot be overemphasized.
After setting questions for yourself and passing them, using past questions to bring the trophy home isn’t such a bad idea.
In fact, it helps boost your confidence to succeed in the exam.
Get Enough Sleep
This is where I will draw the curtain on the Sure Guides To examination preparation.
The benefits of sleeping cannot be ignored.
Sleep helps to be active and function properly.
But, it has to be done moderately.
That’s the much I can take on the sure guide to examination preparation.
Lets quickly take a look at how to be excellently defined.
How To Be Excellently Defined
An excellently defined student is one who never jokes with anything that pertains to his education.
Anything, that will make him more better is what he strives to go after.
If you want to be excellently defined, learn to keep your assignments and materials organized.
Disorganization is a very strong attribute of a non-excellent student.
Therefore, pay attention in class and always ensure you take notes.
The first understanding a student gets from a note is from writing.
Further reading makes it stick.
Ensure you do your homework on time and avoid all forms of procrastination.
Likewise, if you are not a fan of long term study plan, it works very well.
Apply it and see how everything becomes easy for you as it will help to strengthen your focus.
Finally, when you are stranded, ensure you ask for help.
The worst that will happen is that you will not be attended to; But is that really possible?
No it’s not.
Someone will always be available to help you out.
Never give up, keep trying.
That’s all on sure guides to examination preparation and how to be excellently defined.
Thanks For Reading
O3schools Team
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this article was really encouraging. In addition students should read and study hard for exams
Thanks boss for the reply