Categories Of Students Found In Night Class
Table of Interests
The success of our academics is paramount.
therefore, we must pay adequate attention to it.
Different students have different times when they perform optimally mentally.
Like I said on my post on how to study effectively and also on how to read without distractions, finding that best time that works for you may just be all the trick or spark you need for our academic excellence.
However, some students have never ever really tried to find this time.
They copy their friends and follow their full steps.
In most cases, while it works for their mates, it doesn’t gel well for them.
They fail to realize that it is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation,
Therefore, in most Nigerian Universities, you see students who waste their time during the day expecting to study at night.
Life is the most difficult exam.
Several people fail because they try to copy others.
They quickly fail to realize that everyone has a different question paper.
The more you read, the more things you will know.
The more that you learn, the more places you will go.
It’s as simple as that.
However, today, so as not to digress from the subject of discussion on “12 Categories Of Students Found In Night Class”, it is imperative that we know and understand people night
This is so that they won’t serve as distractions to us.
Without further Ado, lets have some fun.
13 Categories Of Students Found In Night Class
Exam period is usually the time that there are no available spaces to study in school at Night.
You will see different students complaining that their favorite spot has been taken.
The spot being talked about here is where they can easily charge their phones.
Other times, it’s where can serve as a hideaway from sight for his/her boyfriend and her or him as the case may be.
Nevertheless, lets see the 13 Categories Of Students Found In Night Class.
Categories Of Students Found In Night Class – The Serious Students
These set truly deserve the number one spot on the 12 Categories Of Students Found In Night Class.
They manage their time properly.
Likewise, they make their reading plans.
You often don’t see them with overloaded bags.
They only bring along in their bag what they know they can cover for the night,
God bless whoever brought the concept of Night class as it was truly meant for these set of serious individuals.
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– The Food Lovers
I am usually deflated whenever I see these ones.
They are usually a Calvary of gargantuan distraction.
The aroma that comes out of their food box is a topic on its own.
They bring varieties.
You can easily know these ones by the clinging sound of spoons and forks along side with heavy mastication.
The Berry Allen’s Of Studying AKA The Flash
All these have effectively consumed all the books on speed reading in the library.
Whenever I see these ones, I just weak Like DODO.
They wee not even spend less than two seconds on one full textbook.
Then the next thing you hear is “I dey go sleep Oh before dey lock Hostel”.
Life wee just tire you completely.
Categories Of Students Found In Night Class – The Crammers
These ones are very serious to a large extent.
I call them the Ebipade (Only 400L Mechanical Engineering Students of UNIBEN Will Understand) Of kind of people.
They will play throughout the semester and then resort to cramming.
These ones can cram ENS full text book along with Khurmi and Rajput.
If you are an engineering student, you will understand.
It is not an easy feat at all.
Most times you will see them soliloquizing or picking their hair.
You will always recognize them by the way they are confused because of too many things to cram.
RECOMMENDED:- Effective Cramming Techniques That Works For Students In Any Nigerian University.
Categories Of Students Found In Night Class – The Procrastinators
These ones will bring about 10 textbooks to night class.
Despite this signifies a very colossal amount of obfuscation, they end up postponing the reading to the next night class and zoom off.
By zoom off here, I mean sleep off.
You can easily recognize these ones by how bent their back is as a result of the large volumes of books they carry to the next and next and next night class without reading.
If you are in the hostel, you can easily locate them.
They usually complain of Waist and Back pain.
Categories Of Students Found In Night Class – The Sleepers
Although sometimes, even sleep falls on scholars (I mean the Serious Ones).
That is understandable.
But there are some students who come to night class just to sleep.
These set will open their books, study long for like 3 minutes and bring out their rapper and sleep for a small period of time like 3hours.
They will now go and wee wee (URINATE).
Then stretch outside and return to reading.
However, this time, they study for a long time like 7 minutes and rest their heads on the desk for sleep to clear.
Most times, it’s the sweepers that wake them up.
Trust me I have been in that situation before.
These ones love music to the core gon.
They are not difficult to identify.
You see them with large head phones of different makes.
Some even bring back up ear piece in case the main one disappoints them.
They rap Lil wane more than they read.
Please don’t sit close to these ones as SPIT MUST FALL ON YOU.
The Multitaskers
These ones are very amazing.
I used to wonder how they behave like a 32gb RAM, 5.0 GHz, 256 bit laptop computer.
Their specification high gon.
They will just open book and be chatting, tweeting, liking and watching movies as well taking selfie and Chewing Gum fa.
I am nor understanding.
Chip Masters
You only see this ones during exam periods.
You will never find them any other time in night class holding biro or book sef.
They borrow a long note book and detach the center.
They then divide this sheet into 64 other pieces/chips as the case may be.
Finally, they begin to jot points Using font 8 of a computer system.
I meant i very small handwriting so they can take to the exam hall.
After doing this, they zoom off.
They are asleep.
Amazing right?.
Categories Of Students Found In Night Class – Gamers
These ones are the inventors of Konami Game.
I did a little research on them and I discovered that they were part of the original set of people that developed the game (LOL).
They bring expensive pads just to play Real Madrid and Bayern Munich.
Then they distract some other faithful readers.
Their Major purpose is to initiate people into their game kingdom.
They wee now be doing After Sack making students not to focus any longer.
Categories Of Students Found In Night Class – Complainers
I used to weak totally for these set of people.
They don’t use to understand anything and they will not go and find people who will make them understand.
You can easily recognize these ones by the anger expression on their faces.
Most times their biros don’t have cover,
They af chop it finish (lol).
Categories Of Students Found In Night Class – No Time Gang
I actually respect these set very well.
They are always at night class no matter what.
They just read one or two and start talking to babes.
13 Categories Of Students Found In Night Class – Give Me 5 Minutes Of Your Time
This list won’t be complete if we don’t talk about these set of people.
They are always very regular in Night classes.
Actually, these ones are the ones propagating the message and gospel of our Lord Jesus.
Nevertheless, I have heard so many things and right now I am confused of which one to believe.
Just joking thou.
That’s the much I can take on the 13 Categories Of Students Found In Night Class
Thanks for reading.
O3schools Team
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