The Importance Of Healthy Habits In Children | Healthy Habits For Students
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The Importance Of Healthy Habits In Children | Healthy Habits For Students

The art of teaching is the art of helping to discover and initiate children to healthy habits of life, which is undoubtedly a rewarding job.
When they talk about healthy habits, they talk a lot, not only about sleep or food, but about taking medications, having hygiene, reading habits, sports, relating and avoiding a series of habits that are harmful, that is, anything that can harm.
It is important to start creating these habits from childhood, as a young child is a sponge with a unique learning ability.
The change to a healthy habit will depend on how attractive it is for children and how much security the adult has, because when the child sees the adult convinced of what is transmitting, inculcating and is not negotiable, the child acquires it as his own.
Steps to educate children about healthy habits
Being firm does not mean being authoritarian, because firmness can be transmitted simply by trusting oneself.

The adult is a model of behavior, therefore, everything the children see in the representative that instructs them will want to do it.
- Patience for change, since everything needs time. Children learn quickly, but often do not have to learn immediately, we all know as adults that wanting to change habits costs a bit, and intermediate laziness, lack of willpower, is sometimes postponed. That is why you should be patient with the children, thinking that they need time to learn.
- Act always as facilitator. Where the child interprets it as an effort you have with him, being fun, loving, facilitating something to learn, and that also will be good for them.
- Strengthen the changes. It is necessary to remember that everything that is reinforced repeats itself. When the child does something it is ideal to tell them how proud that makes them feel. In this way it is reinforced so that the child feels well, supported, by the change that is taking place.
- Talk to children about the benefits of good habits. Children learn to realize when something is good for them, it is necessary to let them investigate so that this act allows them to have a greater knowledge and that learning is much more significant.
- You can not negotiate with children, which is not negotiable at all. Important things like food, rest hours, medication, things that should be done daily can not be negotiated.
- Do not put labels on children. You always have to reinforce with positive words. When they are labeled, children understand it as an existing barrier and find it difficult to erase from their memories.
The negative effect of bad habits on children
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Habits are not innate, you are not born knowing, that is why you have to educate them to learn, but the negative effects in it will be difficult to change but not impossible, everything is in education.

Children with lack of attention, act in a bad way, since they are not taught with affection to do things for their own benefit.
- They have no tolerance.
- Bad habits do not allow good relationships with others.
- the repercussions are negative in the coexistence with other people.
Healthy habits game
The game of fruits. It is about showing a series of fruits to children, where in the form of competition, they will have to find for example:
- Fruits with more “C” vitamins.
- What they contribute to the body.
- Fruits that contain potassium.

It is a way to interest children so that it is their pleasure to consume them, acquire them as a food habit and in this way know their properties.
Collage of days of the week. This can be placed on the wall or it can be given on a printed sheet, which contains the days of the week. The way in which children will learn is through their own activities, whether they have done the right thing or not, based on daily habits made and taken into account for permatente learning.
In each day, they will have the task of placing the habits they have practiced. They can also make images of the habits performed. This will help them practice and acquire them as their own and positive resource in their lives.
Benefits of healthy habits

The establishment of routines for healthy habits is of the utmost importance, from there you will see development in positive terms.
- Having healthy eating habits, offers energy to the body, for its nutrients.
- Naps at specific times that do not interfere with activity schedules help to avoid irritability or hyperactivity.
- Reading, allows cognitive, social and emotional skills.
- Good habits help in the emotional state.
- When you have a follow-up of the routines, it helps to: order, security and improves the structure of the mind.
- It helps to modulate behavior.
- Children learn to follow instructions, that is, the order of each of their actions.
- Habits establish a greater sense of collaboration in the child.
- Children learn what happens before and after each action. They understand where each behavior leads.
- The feelings of personal security and self-esteem increase.
- Habits decrease dispersion levels in children.
How to teach children to be positive and have healthy habits?
People change their lives to achieve irreversible habits, as follows:
- The smile: The smile avoids problems and opens many doors.
- Learning new skills: the importance of knowing a little about everything is essential, because we do not know how you can help us in life.
- Always think positive: when people act and think negatively, what attracts, undoubtedly, are bad energies, and that is what should be avoided, so that nothing is against but in favor.
- Confidence in yourself: everything will depend on how much self-esteem you have, always thinking, if I can, it’s not difficult.
- Decrease the number of times it says “No”: it is important to give a change and eliminate the “NO” to include a “YES”, in this way the change will be observed.
- See problems in a solution, because everything exists: What is paramount is to work on it, and things must be easily solved.
Habits require self-confidence, no one but oneself can achieve it.
Habits are necessary to acquire basic routines such as rest, food, connivance, recreation, among many others, but it is very important to take into account the children’s biorhythm.
That’s the much we can take on the topic “The Importance Of Healthy Habits In Children | Healthy Habits For Students”.
Thanks For Reading
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