Importance Of Sport & Its Encouragement For Practice Since Childhood | Reasons To Play Sports
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Importance Of Sport & Its Encouragement For Practice Since Childhood

Sport is healthy for children and that is indisputable, in addition to the many benefits for the organism, sport instills a series of values such as companionship, teamwork or the culture of effort.
When children start walking or running, they already exercise and, in fact, should be stimulated both in the park, with the swings, among many others, and when they reach a certain age at which they can choose. Then, they choose what they feel comfortable and satisfied with. And it is understood that with sports, you learn to have discipline, order, work hard to achieve something, and it is very important that the child enjoys it above all things.
The sport allows more easily to work as a team, since you learn to prioritize the group objective over the individual factor.
Is there a distinction in sports for boys or girls?

Of course there are not, in fact, sports that initially seem to be more masculine, many girls like that sport. They should try to give everyone access, so that they have the same opportunities. Because there are also sports that seem more feminine, for example, rhythmic gymnastics, and that does not mean that it is not for children, anyone should have access to the sport they like. Indistinctly of the history rooted with the genre that that sport brings.
What happens when the child is good at the discipline that he practices and becomes bored in playing with other children?

Do not worry, just inculcate the child who, while emphasizing what he does, should share his knowledge with the other children. It is notorious to observe these behaviors during recess at school.
You should be asked to teach the other children, for example:
❖ Launching.
❖ Dance.
❖ Foot movement.
❖ How to catch the ball.
Then, he will have the responsibility to be a teacher for others and will feel proud of himself.
It is not because he is outstanding, he must be isolated, it is the opposite, it is necessary to teach him to normalize his behavior and be within the group, since he could also need help, for example, in mathematics and his classmate could be of help. Cooperating each one in his knowledge.
Objectives when practicing sport
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❖ The first thing to do is enjoy. The sport is a playful place with which you can have a good time.
❖ Socialize. Children learn to socialize, to manage skills.
❖ For health. All children should practice sports because it is a healthy behavior.
What does it mean for children to work in relation to sports?
Sport is a fundamental part of the pillars of a person, where the following develops:
❖ The part of the game.
❖ It helps to relate.
❖ Social skills.
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With sport comes a series of values that are facilitated as: sacrifice, work, discipline, respect, feeling of belonging, support. Sport is a source of education, and as such should be encouraged, not only in school but in homes.
How to get the positive side of mistakes in sports?
In children it is good that they make mistakes, and it is healthy that from time to time they do not always win. The child must learn to deal with failure, because that is part of the game and also part of life.

What to do when something does not go as expected?
Teach the child to:
❖ Value the effort.
❖ Understand and mentalize that for the next you can do better.
One way to encourage children when things do not go as expected is to ask about their classmates, how they are with them, focusing on the performance they had.
You can ask them to understand that they can not always win, that they must also lose. Breath questions, for example:
❖ what are you proud of?
❖ Are there positive answers and results for your life?
❖ How do you think you should take the loss in a competition, or in a match?
The objectives in children should be about performance and not about the final result.
That’s the much we can take on the topic “Importance Of Sport & Its Encouragement For Practice Since Childhood”.
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