Updated List Of Courses Offered In NAFTI
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Today, you and I will quickly take a look at the topic “Updated List Of Courses Offered In National Film & Television Institute (NAFTI)”.
This is for the sake of all aspirants of the above-stated institutions to enable them to take a pick of their most cherished course as well as make them aware of the course they have chosen to study is available in the above University.
Nonetheless, if you are among those that has been searching for [nafti courses, nafti admission 2022, nafti admission forms 2022, nafti degree programmes, nafti 2022/2023 admission, nafti admission list, nafti campus, nafti certificate courses], then you are certainly not alone.
However, you shall get all the information you have been searching for right here on this blog.
Well, without wasting much of your time, lets head to the topic “Updated List Of Courses Offered In National Film & Television Institute (NAFTI)”.
Updated List Of Courses Offered In National Film & Television Institute (NAFTI)
Have you been searching for a particular course to study in NAFTI but you do not know how to go about it because you do not have sufficient information about the list of courses offered?
Then worry no more because below is a complete, official, accredited and Updated List Of Courses Offered In NAFTI.
The Institute is made up of four Academic Departments that offer nine (9) programmes in Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) and these are:
Film Artistic Department
Directing Unit, Television Production Unit, Production Department, Animation, Production Design and Documentary.
Film Techniques Department
Motion Picture Photography Unit, Editing Unit, Film Sound Unit
Broadcast Journalism Department
Radio Unit, Television News Unit, Online News Unit.
Multimedia Production Department
Web, Print, 3D Modeling, Motion Graphics, Graphic Design and Web Design
Production Department
Academic and Commercial Production Units
Above is the complete, updated and accredited list of courses offered in NAFTI.
That’s the much we can take on the topic “Updated List Of Courses Offered In NAFTI“.
Thanks For Reading
It’s nice going through the courses offered here at NAFTI . ThankSER for the officially released update. ERICUSPHOTOERICUS
Salifu Dramani says
Is there Script writing courses? Thank you