The Elements Of Wisdom:- Inspiration [Part 1] | Get Successful By Being Wise
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Hello to all Christians all over the wide wide world especially all the Christian communities on Steemit, Few days back I began teaching on wisdom and we are currently on the topic titled “The Elements Of Wisdom:- Inspiration [Part 1] | Get Successful By Being Wise“. Basically, I was able to introduce the topic to you but today I will move a step further into the first part of the topic.
Nonetheless, before we proceed, if you happen to miss the first part of the topic, you can read it up here.
Inspired People are never troubled, apprehensive, overwhelmed, restless nor preplexed in the face of any situation or circumstance. They always maintain such calmness that scares even the problems from coming to them. It is in that state of calmness that sudden solution comes upon them by inspiration.
The breadth of God is the Spiiritof God. It was the breadth of God that came upon man that made him a living soul in Genesis Chapter 2 verse 7. And Job Said, “there is a spirit in man and the inspiration of the almight giveth them understanding” Job 32.8. The breadth of God which is the foundation of inspiration gives you instant understanding showing you the wherefore and wherewithal of issues.
Inspiration is the movement of the Holy Spirit upon your mental faculties. Your mental faculty operates in its natural frequency , but when the God breaths upon it, it is “in-spirited” to work at a supernatural frequency.
Inspiration does not take you through the traditional approach of mental analysis and deductions in probelm solving, but it always dissolves the problem. The whole essence of inspiration is to ensure that you are not stranded in the face of circumstances. It places you in the position of exceellency because it presents faultless knowledge.
In fact, the Bible says, “…an excellent spirit and knowledge and understanding, interpreting of dreams and shewing of hard sentences and dissolving of doubts, were found in the same Daniel…” Daniel 5 vs 12.
Intellectualism is the acquisition of Knowledge, human reasoning and putting facts and figures together, while inspiration is a spontaneous insight ino the right thing to do about a situation, particularly in the face of stagnation and difficulty. Inspiration is netheir learnt nor reasoned, it is given from above. God reveals it and man receives it.
The Elements Of Wisdom:- Inspiration [Part 1] | The Source Of Inspiration
Universities That Offer Selfie Taking As A course
Daniel, Mesach and Abednego were in the same class with other Egyptian scholars. While the Egyptians were limited to “Horizontal” acquisition of Knowledge, Daniel and his friends were in addition opened to “vertical” instructions from heaven which made them “….ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers that were in all (the kings) real. Daniel 1 vs 20. At the end of the day, Daniel could declare before the King.
“…The secrets which the king hath demanded cannot the wise men, the astrologers, the magicians, the soothsayers, shew unto the king; But there is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets, and maketh known to the King Nebuchadnezzar what shall be in the latter days…”.
Daniel 2 vs 27-28
Inspiration is not premeditated. It has its source in…God in heaven.. which explains that your source determines your resources. Where you are coming from determines how far you go. You must know your roots if you must bear the frutis you are ordained to show forth.
That’s the point we will stop on the topic “The Elements Of Wisdom:- Inspiration [Part 1]“. Next time, we shall discuss “The Merits Of Inspiration”.
Thanks For Reading.
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