Graham Centre Summer Scholarships For Undergraduate Students At Charles Sturt University, Australia
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Today, you and I will quickly talk about the topic titled “Graham Centre Summer Scholarships For Undergraduate Students At Charles Sturt University, Australia”.
This has become necessary as a result of the very many emails we have been receiving from our site subscribers concerning when the Graham Centre Summer Scholarships For Undergraduate Students At Charles Sturt University, Australia will be out as well as how to go about the application.
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Without wasting further productive time, lets head to the topic “Graham Centre Summer Scholarships For Undergraduate Students At Charles Sturt University, Australia.
Graham Centre Summer Scholarships For Undergraduate Students At Charles Sturt University, Australia
Graham Centre Summer Scholarships are designed to encourage undergraduate students to engage in research activity aligned with the Centre’s Research Pathways.
A tax-free payment of $4,000 (or a pro-rata amount, where applicable) is payable to the student either as a lump sum payment or in no more than two instalments.
Successful applicants will be required to spend up to 200 hours during the Summer session break working on a single project supervised by a Graham Centre Member.
Scholarship Description:
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- Application Deadline: November
- Course Level: Scholarships are available to study undergraduate
- Study Subject: Scholarship is awarded to study any of the subjects offered by the university.
- Scholarship Award: A tax-free payment of $4,000 (or a pro-rata amount, where applicable) is payable to the student either as a lump sum payment or in no more than two instalments. The payment schedule will be determined by the Centre Director or nominee.
- Nationality: The scholarship is available to domestic students.
- Number of scholarship: Number not given.
- Scholarship can be taken in Australia
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
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- Eligible Countries: Scholarships are available for domestic students.
- Entrance Requirement: Students enrolled in a full-time, undergraduate degree course at CSU who have achieved a high academic standing are eligible to apply. The anticipated standard is a Grade Point Average of at least 5.00 points or a standard sufficient to allow entry into the University’s Honors Program. Students who have already commenced an Honors degree are ineligible to apply.
- Students must demonstrate a commitment to research related to the Centre’s Research Pathways, and an in interest in undertaking an Honors project supervised by a Member of the Graham Centre (remember list here).
- Assessment will take into consideration the applicants’ commitment to an interest in undertaking further research with the Graham Centre. Project choice will not affect the assessment process but will be reviewed for the purpose of ensuring, where possible, that successful applicants are placed on projects which are suited to their research interests.
Application process:
- How to Apply: Successful applicants will be engaged on a single project for the duration of their scholarship (for up to 200 hours). Projects can be negotiated with individual Graham Centre Members and must be fully-supervised by at least one Full or Associate Member of the Centre.
- Suitable projects might include a component of an existing externally-funded research project, or they may form part of a Research Centre Fellowship or other internally-funded research projects, or they may be a body of work that is linked to other research activities currently being undertaken by Centre Members. A specific project must be detailed on the application form. Students are only eligible to apply for one Summer Scholarship in the current round and can only undertake one project.
That’s the much we can take on the topic “Graham Centre Summer Scholarships For Undergraduate Students At Charles Sturt University, Australia“.
Thanks For Reading
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