ZAH Gliese Postdoctoral FeZAH Gliese Postdoctoral Fellowship Program At Heidelberg University In Germany 2020llowship Program At Heidelberg University In Germany 2024
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Without wasting further productive time, lets head to the topic “ ZAH Gliese Postdoctoral Fellowship Program At Heidelberg University In Germany
ZAH Gliese Postdoctoral Fellowship Program At Heidelberg University In Germany
The Zentrum für Astronomie der Universität Heidelberg (ZAH) is delighted to offer Gliese Postdoctoral Fellowship Program to start in fall
Fellowships are available for International students.
The goal of the Gliese Fellowship is to offer scientists typically within a few years after receipt of their PhD the best possible opportunities to develop their talents within a fruitful and inspiring scientific environment.
Gliese Fellows enjoy great freedom in their research activities.
The Centro de Astronomía de la Universidad Heidelberg (ZAH) joins the institutes Instituto de Computación Astronómica (ARI), Landessternwarte Königstuhl (LSW) and Institut für Theoretische Astrophysik (ITA).
Its spectrum of research and teaching activities ranges from planet formation and galaxy evolution to cosmology and state of the art computer physics in parallel with the development and assembly of instrumentation for telescopes and participation in satellite projects.
Scholarship Description
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- Applications Deadline: November
- Course Level: Fellowship is available to pursue Postdoctoral programme.
- Study Subject: Fellowships are awarded in any area of astronomy or astrophysics in which scientists at ZAH are active.
- Scholarship Award: The Gliese Postdoctoral Fellowship provides a competitive stipend and a generous research budget for up to three years (initially awarded for two years) to outstanding postdoctoral researchers in any area of astronomy or astrophysics in which scientists at ZAH are active.
- Nationality: Fellowships are available for International students.
- Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given
- Scholarship can be taken in Germany
Eligibility for the Scholarship
Eligible Countries: Fellowships are available for International students.
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must meet the following criteria:
At the time of application candidates should already have received their PhD.
The goal of the Gliese Fellowship is to offer scientists within a few years after their PhD the best possible opportunities to develop their talents within a rich and inspiring scientific environment. The successful Gliese Fellow will enjoy freedom in his/her research activities. We especially encourage female scientists to apply.
English Language Requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English are usually required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the University.
Application Procedure
How to Apply: Applicants should submit a single document (one single pdf-file) to the e-mail address given below by November 30, 2018. This document should include their CV, a list of publications, and a one-page research plan. Applicants should also arrange for three letters of recommendation by scientists familiar with their work be sent to us by that date. The appointment is expected to start in fall 2019. At the time of application candidates should already have received their PhD.
That’s the much we can take on the topic “ZAH Gliese Postdoctoral Fellowship Program At Heidelberg University In Germany “.
Thanks For Reading
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