Social Differences & How Children Perceive Them | Differences In Perception
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Nonetheless, you shall get all this information right here on this blog.
Social Differences And How Children Perceive Them
On the one hand, children can be very cruel if they meet with other children on social differences to themselves, on the other hand, it does not matter to the king’s child when it plays with the goose-shepherd.
Whether and how children perceive and assess social differences depends a lot on the model of their parents.
The parents are not always in agreement with the way their own child “grooms”. They fear that contact with children from socially disadvantaged families “spoils” their own child.
The combination of these fears, along with a generally derogatory attitude towards those who are “somehow different,” often results in children’s intolerance and contempt for anything they deem inferior.
A development that should not be promoted by responsible parents. Nevertheless, the concern that your own child gets in the wrong friends, partially understandable. So how do you do it?
How Children Feel Social Differences
Children are largely aware of emotions by the age of three. As a result, they tend to judge other people by how they behave towards them rather than outward appearances.
Well, they realize when someone is “different”, but do not condemn him. The older a child gets, the more clearly it recognizes when other children are different in their behavior or appearance from the others, for example, whether they are not able to talk well or are poorly clothed.
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How your own child reacts depends to a large extent on the climate that prevails in your home: If there is much talked about the lazy Socialmoney recipients and above all judged, you put your own lifestyle as the only desirable and right Your child will most likely gradually adopt this attitude of mind and judge others.
Children are by no means as braked in their behavior, the seemingly “worthless” people, as we adults. They let the grubby children feel with all honesty and under certain circumstances also with physical force what they think of them.
About Dealing With Social Differences
There are social differences, that is fact. Even if it is not advisable to evaluate them, the differences in education and wealth should not be ignored or even tabooed.
Talk to your child about it, if necessary. Explain to him why some people are poor and some are richer, why some children are wearing fancy brand clothes and other patched things.
Children often understand more than they can trust. What you should not do is to make a score. Through understanding and tolerance, make sure that your child also learns these important qualities in human interaction.
Are You Allowed To Ban Friendships?
Generally this question has to be answered with no. Forbidding a child to be friends with a particular other child makes a massive impact on the child’s right to self-determination and forces them to choose: either to deny their own feelings or to betray their parents.
No matter what age the child is, both are counterproductive to his self-confident personality development and cause his own self-perception to suffer.
Either way, the prohibition of friendship with another child causes the relationship of trust between parent and child to suffer.
If one realizes that the child has a, in his own eyes inappropriate, handling, then one should rather try to contact the other child and his family and once to check for themselves whether the prejudices are justified.
If that is the case, there is little else left but to keep a close watch on this friendship – for example, by inviting the friend to his home or to common ventures.
Social Differences – When Parents Are Allowed To Set Limits
Social differences should not lead to a devaluation of others, friendships should generally not be banned.
Yet, there are limits that parents can set when there is reason to worry that their own child is going astray. Incidentally, this is not only true if your child is friends with another child who lives at a lower level:
If smokes in the house chain chain, consumed a lot of alcohol, there is domestic violence or the TV is running 24 hours a day, then charge The child prefer to come to – so you keep in touch, keep track of what the friends do and give the friendship of socially so different children a protective framework.
That’s the much we can take on the topic “Social Differences & How Children Perceive Them “.
Thanks For Reading
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