You might be scaling your chances of passing the GRE test due to what you have heard people say about how tough the test is, the simple truth is that the GRE test is quite tough but for only those that don’t know the secrets on how to work their way around it. Here at Smart Scholars Hub we would be revealing the seven secret steps on how to pass GRE quantitative reasoning.
Many students have gone into depression after seeing that there GRE quantitative test score is very low and can’t help them secure admissions to further there educational career.
This is the reason we researched and came out with these seven secret steps on how to pass gre quantitative reasoning test.
By virtue of you searching for this topic, you should already know what the GRE test is, but never the less we would give a brief description of the test for newbies that want to excel in there first attempt of taking the test.
What Is GRE Test?
Table of Interests
According to, the graduate record examinations popularly known as the GRE test is a test that is used as an admission requirement for admissions for graduate schools in the United states, Canada and few other countries.
The test is taking my applicants aspiring to apply for masters, MBA or doctoral degrees to supplement there undergraduate records and qualifications.
The GRE test is an online test that can be acesssed from over 160 eligible countries, it is a 3 hours 45 minutes test which includes a minute break after each session elapses.
the GRE test has three major sections which are verbal reasoning, critical thinking and quantitative reasoning which is the focal point for this article.
Overview Of GRE Quantitative Reasoning
The GRE quantitative reasoning test is west that measures your ability to understand, interprete and analyze quantitative information’s, it is the most toughest of the GRE tests.
The GRE quantitative test is made up of questions from algebra, geometry and data analysis.
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The quatitative test is scaled on 130 – 170 and as a smart scholar your target should be around 153.4.
Having known the basics of the GRE test, let’s done down to why you are here.
We’ll be starting with important things you should know about the GRE quantitative test.
Important Things You Need To Know About The GRE Quantitative Reasoning Test
The quantitative section of the GRE test is made up of four major subjects which are geometry, algebra, data analysis and arithmetic.
We would be listing some major topics across each subject so you can narrow tour readings to them.
- Algebra: while taking the test on these sections you would be required to be familiar with the following topics.
Solving Linear and quadratic equations, simultaneous Equations and inequalities, factorization, simplifying algebraic expressions, functions and coordinate geometry.
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Also you should be able to read and interprete graphs, determine and calculate the slopes and intercepts of giving graphs.
- Arithmetic: under this course, topics to study includes- prime numbers and intergers, percentage errors, ratios, rate and absolute values, arithmetic operations, estimations, number line and numerical sequence.
- Geometry: you should be familiar with angles and the three different types of triangles (equilateral, isosceles, and scalene) circles, parallel and perpendicular lines, polygons and quadrilateral.
You should be able to apply the Pythagoras theorem to solve problems.
- Data Analysis: you should expect statistical topics such as mean, mode and median. Deviations, standard deviations, quartiles and percentiles histograms, bar charts, circle graphs, scatter plots and frequency distribution.
These are the topics that make up the four major courses in the quantitative sections of the GRE test. If you can cover them than you are 80% close to success.
7 Secret Tips On How To Pass GRE Quantitative Reasoning
We would be listing practical steps to follow on how to pass GRR quantitative reasoning test.
#1. Don’t Spend More Than 2 Minutes On A Question
Time management is a major factor to determine your success rate in the GRE quantitative test.
The test is a 35 minutes test made up of 20 questions. So you should spend an average of 1.75 mins per question, make sure you don’t spend more than 2 minutes trying to solve a particular question.
Any question that looks tough quickly skip to the next one.
#2. Always Analyze your tables and graphs properly before solving
people sitting for the GRE quantitative test always tend to spedilly scan through there graphs and begin solving problems with them, you don’t have to do so, after the test you might think that you smhed the questions not knowing that your failure would begin from there.
There are always key informations in every graph or table, always take your time to create a mental picture of the graph before using them to solve problems.
#3. Always Break Down Complex Geometry Into Smaller Shapes
When attempting questions on geometry always make sure you break down complex figures into simpler terms in order for you to easily analyze them, don’t just start solving like that.
#4. Use Your Calculator Only When Necessary
You don’t always have to use your calculator for every arithemetic calculations, you can make use of your head where the case may be.
The calculator for the GRE quantitative test is embedded in the system and would definitely waste your time while trying to access them.
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So train yourself to do some basic calculations by yourself and use your calculator to perform only complex operations.
#5. Always Understand Word Problems Before Answering
When attempting English to maths questions you don’t have to rush through the sentences and procifen answer, always read carefully and slowly and make sure you pick the key information that the sentence wants you to pick before answering.
English to maths questions can be very trickery so make sure you always beat the trick.
#6. Make Use Of Scratchpads While Attempting Quantitative Comparison Questions
When answering quantitative comparison question always pick note of the data’s, variable or any key value before picking an answer, don’t just rush to make a decision.
#7. Always Cover Past Questions
The importance of past questions can never over emphasized, this is on of the major tip on how to pass GRE quantitative test.
Make sure you cover the past questions, experts have said that most of the GRE questions are more of repeated questions from previous years, if you study past questions effectively you wouldn’t only be familiar with the questions and there answers but you would also be saving yourself some time.
Conclusion On How To Pass GRE Quantitative Reasoning
- Don’t Spend More Than 2 Minutes On A Question
- Always Analyze your tables and graphs properly before solving
- Always Break Down Complex Geometry Into Smaller Shapes
- Use Your Calculator Only When Necessary
- Always Understand Word Problems Before Answering
- Make Use Of Scratchpads While Attempting Quantitative Comparison Questions
- Always Cover Past Questions
These are seven practical tips to follow if you want to know how to pass GRE quantitative reasoning test and get a chance to further your education, they are quite simple and straight to the point.
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