The Merits Of Inspiration | What You Stand To Gain With Operating By Inspiration
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“The Merits Of Inspiration | What You Stand To Gain With Operating By Inspiration” is what we shall discuss today.
Read here:- The Elements Of wisdom
When you operate by inspiration, you gain access to unlimited knowledge and wisdom that can silence your enemies. In fact, you find yourself operating from alevelwhere your examiners and teachers are amzed at your insight. Job Said, “After my words they spake not again and my speeech dropped upon them/” Jpb 29 vs 22.
His speech came with a seal of authority; nibody could fault or argue with it. A man under inspiration subdues the arguments of men. Inspired people alwasy have the final say. This also connotes a state of perfection, where it becomes unnecessary to add anything to what has been saud or done.
There is an element of fearfulness and intimidation that inspiration commands among your observers. When an inspired man speaks or does a thing, he is operatiing from an extraordinary dimension. After Solomon through inspiration resolved the conflict of the two women that were laying laim to a baby, the Bible records that “al israelheard of the judgement whcih the king had judged; and they feared the king; for they saw that the wisdom of God was in Him, to do judgement I king 3 vs 28.
The dimension of wisdom was greatly exhibited also by his father, David the king of Israel when he was described as operating with the “wisdom of angel”. (2 Samuel 14 vs 20).
You will note that angels are known for excellence in their operations. They are faultless and execute their details with utmost precison. (Psalm 103 vs 20).
Daniel and his three Hebrew friends were mates which other Egyptians in the same calessroom, taught by same lecturer but in examination, they were found to be ten times better than their Egyptian classmates werw. Do not limit yourself to classroom and newspaper knolwedge. Do not underutilize your potentials. The Spirit of Inspiration connects you to a source of insight that the world does not know about. They will come to enquire from you you are getting things done, due to superior results you will be getting by the application of superior insights you receive by inspiraton.
The world of knowledge is getting more so sophisticated upon the earth; you need supernatural insight to excel them. You are here in the world, but you do not belong to the world system. To beat their system, you must operate from heaven alone. It is high time you promote your business ideology fom the patterns of the world. There is a God-way to do what you are doing, such that your effect will be profound and distinguished.
The direction of Joseph in the land of Egypt was a result of his connection to the source of inspiration. There was no mention that Joseph refused to books or went through any research exercise and questionings to arrive at hs interpretation of dreams. He simply received insights from the spirits. You will dissolve the hardest of situation when you connect with this dimension of the Spirit of wisdom.
The insoiration of the Spirit of wisdom is superior to education. I encourage that you be educated, but do not be limited to education. Add insoiration to your education, reasoning and intelligence. If you stick to the common knowledge, you will keep getting common results and remain among the ordinary men.
The excellent spirit which became the indentity of Daniel orginated from the spirit of God. See Daniel 5 vs 11-12. When you run your life and business b inspiration, you stand clearly above your peers who make deductions after mental exertion and feasibility studies. Human approach will limit you to human results, but divine approach will launch you into glorious heights of attainment. He that operates from above is above all. (John 3 vs 31)
There is provision to make you stand out among men. The inspiration of the almighty is to take you beyong the limits of scientific knowledge. As a student, you are not limited to your lecturers handouts; you are designed so see far beyong what he says; David testified in Psalm 119.99. You cannot be connected to God and be operating at the level of mortal men.
You have what it takes to excel in life. You may be an employee today, but inside you is all it take to be an employer. Excellence is a natural consequence of Wisdom. You are to outdo, stand out, tower above, and be the best in what you do. New birth is a call to excellence. You are not to maintain the status quo. Jesus said that we are lights of the world (Mathew 5 vs 14). It is your heritage to standout and to tower above others in all your life endeavors. You are to command the admiration of men via your results. Daniel was hated and envied but because he had what they needed, he still got promoted.
The power of inspiration rates you above quota system and political preferences.
Read Here:- The Ultimate Purpose Of Wisdom
You dont need to have studies economics, political science, public administration or what have you in order foryou to be relevant in those disciplines. Joseph neither attended any school of administration nor took lectures on agriculture and food presrvation for him to come up with solutions to the challenges of pharoah and the Egyptian nation. He stepped out to the demoralising environment of the prison to outsocore the combination of the lofty wisodm of Egyptian magicians ans senators. Psalm 105 vs 20-22.
Joseph was a prisoner slave, but when Pharoah encountered the treasure of wisdom he carried, he handed over the administration of Egypt into his hands. Daniel was preferred among the three presidents under Nebudchadnezzar in Babylon, even though he did not attend the prominet institutions of Astrology, Soothsayings or magic.
When Peter and the apostles began to exhibit the fruit of what they carried, the people took knowledge of them and handed over the temples for them to take charge. You have a treaure within you that put you over in your school, office, business and community. An inspired man is a relevant man anyday, anywhere.
Problem Solving
Two women came crying to King Solomon dragging at a tender baby, which they both claimed to be their child. It was humanly impossible to discern who the true mother of he baby was. Without need to carry out any investigative search or test, the king called for one of his tough looking body guards ans ordered him to cut the child in two so that both women could have a part.
While one of the women applauded the Kings judgement, the other was smote in her heart and yelled out that the baby’s life be spared so that her contender could have him. Instantly, the king released his verdict, that the latter woman is the true mother of the baby it was by inspiration that he resolved the situation.
That’s the much i can take on the topic “The Merits Of Inspiration | What You Stand To Gain With Operating By Inspiration”.
Thanks For reading
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